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- 2016.02.23
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- 316
2016 APCC Training Program
- The APEC Climate Center (APCC), located in Busan, South Korea, strives to realize the APEC vision of increasing regional prosperity by providing climate information services and technical support for better regional planning and reduction of economic losses due to adverse climate conditions. APCC produces real-time operational climate prediction information from the subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) time scale with contributions from several institutions in the APEC region. APCC contributes to capacity building in weather and climate prediction and monitoring in the Asia-Pacific region by increasing accessibility to costly climate data and information. Countries without the capacity to produce their own climate predictions are able to access optimized, high-cost climate predictions produced by APCC. More information about the Center can be found at www.apcc21.org.
- APCC is seeking qualified early-career scientists from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and national research centers related to climate issues in developing countries to apply for positions as short-term visiting scientists. Scientists from the following countries are eligible to apply: Cambodia, Chile, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
- APCC is hosting a training program on S2S as a New Epoch in Climate-based Application: Using S2S prediction to cope with extreme hydrological events in developing countries and is now inviting applications to this program until 21 March, 2016. The 1-week training program aims to improve participants’ forecast skills by increasing their understanding of atmospheric phenomena in a S2S timescale, which often result in extreme events. The training will give guidance on developing new strategies to reduce risks of natural disasters in developing countries, which are especially vulnerable to extreme events, in climate-related application fields such as water resources, agriculture, and disaster management.
- Only those participants who successfully complete the training program with active participation and enthusiasm will receive a certificate of completion. The program will be taught by a highly qualified and diverse team of scientists.
Period & Venue
- • 27 June – 2 July, 2016 / APEC Climate Center, Busan, the Republic of Korea
- • Understanding the S2S (Subseasonal to Seasonal) timescale and its major phenomena
- - Mastering of Intraseasonal oscillation and its predictability and impact on Monsoon and extreme events
- - Understanding of tropical cyclones and its impact with perspective of S2S
- - Application of tropical cyclones to rainfall forecast
- - Understanding of cold waves and its impact and forecast
- - Recent research activities in S2S timescale
- • Understanding the S2S prediction system
- • Applications of S2S prediction information to water resource management: Current challenges and possibilities
- • Hands-on Sessions : Analyzing the impacts of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO)
- - Preprocessing for observation data in the targeted region
- - Analyzing the atmospheric circulation system based on BSISO phases
- - Understanding the impact of each BSISO phase on the local climate in the targeted region
- - Displaying the analysis result by using a graphic tool
- - Real-time BSISO forecast information and hydrometeorological interpretation
Target Applicants
- • Scientists from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) or National Research Institutes for climate and water resources management in developing countries, preferably in the APEC economics, ASEAN, or Pacific Island Countries working in climate science or water resources management
- • It is preferred that the participants bring their own observation data from their region.
- • General Requirements
- - Oral and written communication skills in English
- - Understanding of basic science in climate systems
- - Ability to make a substantive contribution to their own nation with what he/she has learned from APCC
- • Compulsory Requirements
- - Applicants should have experience with data processing and visualization as described below;
- i) Computing languages (eg. Fortran, etc.);
- ii) Graphic Tools (eg. GrADS, NCL, etc.)
Financial Support
- • Airfare, accommodation and per-diem will be suported by APCC.
- • Please note that 22% tax will be deducted from the per-diem for participants from countries that have not signed a National Tax Treaty with Korea.
Required Documents (Submissions will be accepted via APCC website only)
- • Application form (use the attached form)
- • One recommendation letter from the director of the department of your current institution/organization
Closing Date: 21 March (Monday), 2016 by 09:00 (Korean standard time)
- • Selected participants will be notified by 1 April 2016.
Application Submission
- • Press "Apply" button below, or follow the link
- • The website route is as follows in case the above link does not work for you:
- - APCC Website (www.apcc21.org) > International Cooperation > Outreach Program for developing countries > Training Program > 2016 APCC Training Program
- ※ We only accept applications through the APCC website.
Staff Information
- • Program Manager: Ms. Suhee Han
- • Address: APEC Climate Center, 12, Centum 7-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 48058 Republic of Korea
- • E-mail: suheehan@apcc21.org
- • Website: www.apcc21.org
- • Tel: +82 51 745 3933
- • Fax: +82 51 745 3949
- • Program Manager: Ms. Inja Jeon
- • Address: APEC Climate Center, 12, Centum 7-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 48058 Republic of Korea
- • E-mail: alliswell1122@apcc21.org
- • Website: www.apcc21.org
- • Tel: +82 51 745 3918
- • Fax: +82 51 745 3949