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2018 APCC Downscaling Training Program



Announcement for 2018 APEC Climate Center Downscaling Training Program

  • The APEC Climate Center (APCC) is hosting a training program with the subject of User-oriented Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Scenario for Agriculture and Water Resources from October 15th to 20th to be held in Busan, Korea and is now accepting applications until Friday 31st August, 2018 KST. The 1-week training program aims to provide an introduction to statistical downscaling for climate change scenarios, and to guide participants in applying the produced data to the fields of agriculture and water resources.

  • The program will be taught by a highly qualified and diverse team of scientists and will consist of theoretical and practical components. Participants who successfully complete the training program will receive a certificate of completion. The airfare, accommodation and meals will be supported by APCC.

  • Located in Busan, South Korea, APCC aims to realize the APEC vision of regional prosperity by providing climate information services and technical support for better regional planning and reduction of economic losses caused by adverse climate conditions. APCC produces real-time operational climate prediction information based on a well-validated multi-model ensemble system, with contributions from over 17 institutes in the APEC region. APCC contributes to building capacity in prediction and monitoring of weather and climate in the Asia-Pacific region by making available costly climate data and information. Countries without the capacity to produce their own climate predictions are able to access optimized, high-cost global climate predictions produced by APCC. More information about the Center can be found at www.apcc21.org.

Period & Venue

  • • Monday 15th - Saturday 20th, October 2018 / APEC Climate Center, Busan, the Republic of Korea


  • Title: User-oriented Statistical downscaling of Climate Change Scenarios for Agriculture and Water Resources The detailed contents of the program are subject to change




Understanding climate information (seasonal prediction and climate change scenario) and introduction to climate information produced by APCC


Downscaling of climate change scenarios

- User interface and steps to using climate change scenario data

- Introduction to downscaling methods

- Case studies on using climate change scenario data


Introduction to APCC seasonal prediction and downscaling

Practical Sessions


Producing downscaled climate change scenario data for each nation and user-oriented analysis of climate characteristics


Assessment of climate change impact on drought using EDI




Participant's presentation based on the results of the lecture and the practical session


Target Applicants

  • • Scientists and working level staff from national research institutes in agriculture and/or water-related fields in developing countries, preferably APEC economies.

General Requirements and Assessment Criteria

  • Understanding of basic science in climate systems
  • • Oral and written communication skills in English
  • - Each participant is required to give a 15 minute presentation on the results of hands-on sessions
  • • Ability to apply the technical knowledge from the training program to climate change impact studies of their nation and to strategies to combat climate change in their field
  • • National climate data files of participant's home country (highly recommended)

Financial Support

  • Airfare, accommodation and per-diem will be supported by APCC
  • - Please note that 22% tax will be deducted from the per-diem for participants from countries that have not signed a National Tax Treaty with Korea in accordance with the law on the retention of tax in Korea

Required Documents (Submissions will be accepted via email only)

  • Application form (please use the attached form below)
  • • A letter of recommendation from your current institution/organization
  • • One sample research article (optional)

Closing Date: Friday 31st August 23:59, 2018 (Korea Standard Time) CLOSED

  • • The announcement of the results have been delayed by one week. All candidates will be notified of the results by September 14th, 2018.

Application Submission and Questions

  • Mr. Daein Kang
  • • Address: APEC Climate Center, 12, Centum 7-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 48058 Republic of Korea
  • E-mail: daeinkang@apcc21.org
  • Website: www.apcc21.org
  • Tel: +82 51 745 3929