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Young Scientist Support Program 2012

  • Research Areas
  •   - Climate prediction and monitoring of intraseasonal time scales
  •   - Climate change and impact assessment 
  •   - Climate informatics and applications to sectors (i.e. hydrology, agriculture, emergency preparedness, etc.)
기간 2012.07.01 ~ 2013.03.31
장소 APEC Climate Center
참가자 20 participants from 10 economies
참가자별 국별보고서
참가자 Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam (University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh / Lecturer)
보고서명 Changing climate in Bangladesh, especially by analyzing major food crop production in the past and future

YSSP 2012_Alam.pdf

참가자 Ms. Jiepeng Chen (Sun Yat-Sen University, China / PhD Student)
보고서명 Interdecadal change in southern Chinese summer rainfall from 1992-93

YSSP 2012_Chen.pdf

참가자 Mr. Fikadu Getachew Welidehanna (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia / Agrometeorologist)
보고서명 Climate change impacts on stream flow of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam watershed

YSSP 2012_Getachew.pdf

참가자 Mr. Titike Kassa Bahaga (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia / Lecturer)
보고서명 Large-scale influences on seasonal to interdecadal variability of rainfall and potential drought prediction over the Greater Horn of Africa

YSSP 2012_Kassa.pdf

참가자 Mr. Nachiketa Acharya (Indian Institute of Technology, India / Project Associate)
보고서명 Assessment of seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall based on the APCC multimodel system

YSSP 2012_Acharya.pdf

참가자 Dr. Ramesh Kumar Penki (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), India / Research Associate)
보고서명 Simulation of Aerosols using RegCM4

YSSP 2012_Kumar.pdf

참가자 Ms. Sonali Pati (Eastern Academy of Science & Technology, India / Lecturer)
보고서명 Projection of future chlorophyll concentration changes over the BOB during the SON using CMIP5 simulated SST

YSSP 2012_Pati.pdf

참가자 Mr. Dede Tarmana (Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG), Indonesia / Forecaster)
보고서명 Potential impacts of climate change on DHF & Malaria disease in Indonesia

YSSP 2012_Tarmana.pdf

참가자 Dr. Hojjatollah Yazdanpanah (University of Isfahan, Iran / Assistant Professor)
보고서명 Climate change impacts on apple phenology in northeast Iran

YSSP 2012_Panah.pdf

참가자 Mr. Kshitij Parajuli (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand / Engineer - Level 7)
보고서명 Downscaling of GCM data and development of climate maps for future prediction of climatic variables in the Mekong Region

YSSP 2012_Parajuli.pdf

참가자 Ms. Maida Zahid (Pakistan Meteorological Department, Pakistan / Meteorologist)
보고서명 Impact of soil moisture variability over South Asian regions using Regional Climate Models

YSSP 2012_Zahid.pdf

참가자 Mr. Waheed Iqbal (Pakistan Meteorological Department, Pakistan / Meteorologist)
보고서명 Future precipitation and temperature trends over the South Asias region projected by CMIP5 under different RCPs

YSSP 2012_lqbal.pdf

참가자 Mr. Furrukh Bashir (Pakistan Meteorological Department, Pakistan / Meteorologist)
보고서명 Statistical downscaling of GCMs to develop future climate change projections for HKH Glaciers

YSSP 2012_Bashir.pdf

참가자 Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed (PMAS, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan / Assistant Professor)
보고서명 Climate variability and predictability for rainfed areas of South Asia

YSSP 2012_Mukhtar Ahmed.pdf

참가자 Mr. Muhammad Amjad (Global Change Impact Studies Centre, Pakistan / Scientific Officer)
보고서명 Finding clues for extreme climatic events in seasonal climate prediction

YSSP 2012_Amjad.pdf

참가자 Ms. Quart Ul Ain Ahmad (Global Change Impact Studies Centre, Pakistan / Scientific Officer)
보고서명 Assessment of changing climate to ascertain future water availability of Hunza river basin flows using a Hydrological Model

YSSP 2012_Ain Ahmad.pdf

참가자 Ms. Sewwandhi Shashika Kularathne Chandrasekara (Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology, Sri Lanka / Junior Research Scientist)
보고서명 MJO and ENSO Interactions on monsoonal rainfall over Sri Lanka

YSSP 2012_Chandrasekara.pdf

참가자 Mr. Sanjaya Probodha Ratnayake (Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology, Sri Lanka / Junior Research Scientist)
보고서명 Downscaling global climate model outputs to fine scales over Sri Lanka for assessing drought impacts

YSSP 2012_Ratnayake.pdf

참가자 Mr. Chinh Huu Ta (National Center of Hydro-Meteorology Service, Viet Nam / Weather Forecaster)
보고서명 Comparison of 3 forecast schemes including downscaled APCC forecast, downscaled CCA forecast and Raw model in predicting monthly mean temperature for the winter season in northern Viet Nam

YSSP 2012_Huu Ta.pdf

참가자 Mr. Duong Anh Tran (Thanh Hoa Water Resources Project Management Unit, Viet Nam / Engineer)
보고서명 Impact of climate change on water resources and agriculture production in Ca Mau province, Vietnam

YSSP 2012_Anh Tran.pdf