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Young Scientist Support Program 2018

  •  Research Areas
  •   - Seasonal prediction based on a real-time multi-climate model ensemble (MME) system
  •   - Analysis and understanding of extreme climate variability
  •   - Tailoring climate information for the various users and application
  •   - Utilization of the climate prediction information to the climate sensitive sectors (water resources, agriculture, etc.)
기간 2018.04.01 ~ 2018.10.31
장소 APEC Climate Center
참가자 9 participants from 6 economies
참가자별 국별보고서
참가자 Dr. Donaldi Sukma Permana (Meteorology Research Division, Indonesia Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia / Researcher)
보고서명 Statistical Downscaling Seasonal Forecast for Precipitation and Temperature in Sumatera, Indonesia based on APCC Multi-Model Ensemble System


참가자 Ms. Nguyen Thi Diem Huong (Climate Forecasting Division, National Center for Meteorological Hydrological Forecast, Vietnam / Researcher)
보고서명 Identification of Factors Affecting Winter Temperature over the North Region of Vietnam


참가자 Mr. Minh Ha Truong (Center for Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, Vietnam / Researcher)
보고서명 Evaluating Various Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) Methods for Seasonal Prediction in Vietnam


참가자 Dr. Yujie Wu (Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center, Chinese Meteorological Administration, China/ Researcher)
보고서명 Prediction Skill and Predictability of Air Temperature and Precipiation of China: results from APCC MME data


참가자 Ms. Kila Kila (PNG National Weather Service, Papua New Guinea / Climate Officer)
보고서명 ENSO and Meteorological Drought in Papua New Guinea


참가자 Ms. Barkhas Badam (Agrometeorological Research Division, Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, Mongolia / Researcher)
보고서명 Development of Snow Depth Map Using Reanalysis and Field Data in Mongolia


참가자 Mr. Steven Cahya Andika (Climatological Station of West Seram, Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia / Researcher)
보고서명 Statistical Downscaling of Monthly Rainfall Using APCC’s MME in Kairatu and Saumlaki


참가자 Ms. Nastiti Andini (Climatological Station of West Seram, Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia / Climate Forecaster)
보고서명 Synthesizing Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration in Java Island using the Complementary Principle and a Single Bucket Model


참가자 Ms. Shaidatul Azdawiyah Abdul Talib (Agrobiodiversity and Environment Research Center,Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Malaysia / Research Officer)
보고서명 Study on Potential Productivity of MR 219 Rice Variety under Future Climate Change Scenarios using DSSAT 4.7 in Tanjung Karang, Selangor

