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APEC Climate Symposium 2023

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : Enhancing Energy Security in a Changing Climate for a Resilient Future in APEC
  • 기간 : 17 - 19 October 2023
  • 장소 : Taipei, Chinese Taipei & Online​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center, Central Weather Administration(CWA), Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research(CIER), International Climate Development Institute(ICDI), and Taiwan Climate Services Partnership(TCSP)

Period & Venue

17 - 19 October 2023 / Taipei, Chinese Taipei & Online​

APEC Climate Symposium 2023

APEC Climate Center (APCC) hosted the APEC Climate Symposium 2023 on 17 - 19 October 2023 in Taipei, Chinese Taipei and virtually in cooperation with the Central Weather Administration (CWA), Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research (CIER), International Climate Development Institute (ICDI), and Taiwan Climate Services Partnership (TCSP).

The main theme was 'Enhancing Energy Security in a Changing Climate for a Resilient Future in APEC' and more than 200 participants attended this event over the last two days to exchange their experience and expertise on this particular topic. 

Keynote Session : Challenges of Climate Service for Carbon Neutral Society in Japan

Chaired by Dr. President of Taiwan Climate Services Partnership

  ​​Dr. Noboru Koshizuka (President, Weather Business Consortium / Professor, The University of Tokyo)

Session I : Enhancing Energy Security Using Climate Information

Chaired by Dr. Kung-Yueh Camyale Chao​, Executive Director of International Climate Development Institute

For session I, Speakers shared successful cases or research outcomes on utilizing climate information to enhance energy security and discussed the cases or research activities where this information is used in the operation, maintenance, and planning of the energy system to ensure the energy security.

  ​Dr. Hyun-Gyu Kim (Research Associate, Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change, Korea Environment Institute​)

Session II : Renewable and Clean Energy to Adapt Climate Change

Chaired by Prof. Takashi Michikata, Associate Professor of University of Tokyo

For Session II, speakers shared current research activities and state-of-the-art technologies on renewable and clean energy such as solar power, windfarm, hydropower. Also, the future development directions of the renewable and clean energy technologies were shared and discussed.


  Dr. Changsub Won (Chief Technology Officer, Scotra​)

 • Mr. Sam Hwang (Executive Vice President, SK Ocean Plant)​

​  Dr. Jen-Hsin Teng (Researcher, Marine Meteorology and Climate Division, CWA)​

Session III​ : ​Best Practices or Policy Efforts to Enhance Energy Security

Chaired by Kyungwon Park, Research Fellow of Prediction Research Team, APEC Climate Center

For Session III, economies’ efforts on reducing fossil fuel energy and transitioning to renewable and clean energy system were shared. The efforts include policies, innovative research activities, and technologies.


  •Mr Raoul Kubitschek (Board Member, Taiwan Renewable Energy Alliance)​

 •  Dr. Christopher Doleman (Senior Researcher, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre)​​

 •  Prof. Noritake Nishide (Specially appointed professor, Tohoku University / Executive Advisor, Fujitsu Company)​
