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2004년도 APEC 기후 심포지엄

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : 2004 APEC Climate Symposium 2004​
  • 기간 : Novemeber 09-12, 2004
  • 장소 : Busan, Korea​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center

APEC Climate Symposium 2004

2004 APEC Climate Symposium 2004​

Period & Venue

Novemeber 09-12, 2004 / Busan, Korea​

Session I

 [Download] • APCN Multi Model Ensemble Seasonal Prediction System by Won-Tae Yun.pdf

 [Download] • The Verification System for Multi-Model Ensemble Seasonal Prediction at APCN by Sarat Kar.pdf


Session II

 [Download] • Update on climate predictions and application of climate information in New Zealand by James Renwick.pdf

 [Download] • Performance of the RPN GEM in seasonal forecasting by Bertrand Denis.pdf

 [Download] • The Verification System for Multi-Model Ensemble Seasonal Prediction at APCN by Sarat Kar.pdf

 [Download] • An Overview of Recent Forecast Results at the GMAO by Siegfried Schubert.pdf

 [Download] • Status and use of climate predictions in the Weather Service in Chil by Enrique Garrido.pdf

 [Download] • Update on climate predictions and application of climate information in New Zealand by James Renwick.pdf

 [Download] • Development of the POAMA-2 dynamical seasonal prediction system at Bureau of Meteorology by Oscar Alves.pdf

 [Download] • Application of global MM5 for 10 day weather prediction in Thailand by Boonlert Archevarahuprok.pdf

 [Download] • BCCs Climate models and their performances in seasonal prediction by Dong Wenjie.pdf

 [Download] • An Overview of Recent Dynamical Seasonal Prediction Activities at Lin by Zhaohui.pdf

 [Download] • Recent Study on Dynamical Seasonal Prediction in Climate Prediction Division - JMA by Yasuhiro Matsushita.pdf

 [Download] • The importance of local heat flux-SST coupling for seasonal-to-interannual variability and predictability by Ben Kirtman.pdf

 [Download] • Dynamical seasonal forecasts in Roshydromet - current state by Dmitry Kiktev.pdf

 [Download] • CGCM-based global prediction correction using artificial neural network and associated predictability change by Joong-Bae Ahn.pdf

 [Download] • Development of a new Korea Meteorological Administrations global data assimilation and prediction sytstem and its performance on the simulated tropical rainfall by Song-You-Hong.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal prediction of tropical cyclone activity using the KMA global model by H. Joe Kwon.pdf

 [Download] • Comparison of the Oceans Simulated by the OGCM and the CGCM by Yign Noh.pdf

 [Download] • A Review of Multimodel Ensemble Sysstem for Seasonal Prediction at METRI by Seong-Dae Kang.pdf

 [Download] • Preliminary results for Global Warming Simulation by using a high-resolution climate model by Akimasa Sumi.pdf

 [Download] • CES Global SST Prediction System with Multi-Model Ensemble by Jong-Seong Kug.pdf


Group Discussion

• Working Group / Steering Committee Discussion

   APCN Data and Information : Problems and Future Improvements

• Working Group / Steering Committee Discussion

   Functions and Structure of APCC 

Steering Committee Discussion

• Joint Research Project​
