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APEC Climate Symposium 2016

  • 프로그램

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  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : Smart Climate Information and Accountable Action: Achieving Sustainable Food Security in a Changing World
  • 기간 : 16 - 18 September 2016
  • 장소 : Casa-Andina Private Collection Hotel, Piura, Peru​​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center, National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI), the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Peruvian Ministry of Environment

APEC Climate Symposium 2016

APEC Climate Center (APCC) held the APEC Climate Symposium 2016 (APCS 2016) from 16 to 18 September 2016 in Piura, Peru on the topic of Smart Climate Information and Accountable Action: Achieving Sustainable Food Security in a Changing World. This symposium was co-hosted with National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI), the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Peruvian Ministry of Environment. 

Period & Venue

16 - 18 September 2016 / Casa-Andina Private Collection Hotel, Piura, Peru​​ 

Keynote Session: Current Challenges to Food Security

Chaired by Dr. Jin Ho Yoo, Head of Climate Prediction Department of APEC Climate Center

Climate change is already affecting food security and the most vulnerable livelihoods. Overcoming climate change is the key to food security and sustainable development. Climate change directly impacts food security as well as the underlying natural resources base, especially in fragile ecosystems, that is agriculture and fishing industry. We need to take definite action to minimize the threat of climate change of food security. Through the first session, the keynote presenters gives an overview of current challenges that the stakeholders in agriculture and fishery practitioners are facing.


  • • Ms. Laura Meza (FAO Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean )​
  •  Presentation Title : Climate Change and Food Security - Policy Recommendations
  • • Dr. Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez (CGIAR Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security)​
  •  Presentation Title : Reducing Risks to Food Security from Climate Change

Session I: Utilizing Climate Science in Agriculture: Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Agriculture​

Chaired by Dr. Alexander Ruane from the Climate Impacts Group at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US

Increased climate variability and extreme weather events due to climate change have important effects on the agricultural systems of the Asia-Pacific region, with small communities of developing economies being most vulnerable to these changes. Seasonal climatic phenomena like the El Nino-Southern Oscillation have significant impacts on regional food security, particularly through extreme weather and climate events. Thus, promoting climate science based agricultural policies on extreme weather events and adopting innovative technologies of climate-smart agriculture are essential next steps required for achieving sustainable agriculture and food production in the region. This session therefore focuses on the role that climate science can play in defining short-term to seasonal agricultural decisions.


  • • Prof. Elwynn Taylor (Iowa State University)​
  • Presentation Title : Sublet Climate Shift, Major Agricultural Impact
  • • Dr. Ken Takahashi (Geophysics Institute of Peru (IGP))​
  • Presentation Title : Prediction of ENSO, their Diversity and Climate Impacts in Peru
  • • Dr. Govindarajalu Srinivasa (Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES))​
  • Presentation Title : Operationalizing the Use of Weather and Climate Information for Agriculture in Asia
  • • Dr. Julian Ramirez-Villegas (International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT))​
  • Presentation Title : Using Crop-climate Modelling for Adapting Cropping Systems to Climate Variability
  • • Dr. Alexander C. Ruane (Climate Impacts Group, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)​)​
  • Presentation Title : Climate Application for Agriculture and Food Security
  • • Dr. Kwanghyung Kim (Strategic Planning Team, APEC Climate Center​)​
  • Presentation Title : Improving Agricultural Resilience to Climate Variability through Ensuing Data Availability and Enhancing Agro-meteorological Services
  • • Dr. Roberto Quiroz (International Potato Center)​
  • Presentation Title : Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Potato Cultivation in its Center of Origin

Session II: Utilizing Climate Science in Agricultural Planning for Climate Change​

Chaired by Dr. Maximo Torero from the International Food Policy Research Institute

Food security in emerging economies in the APEC region will be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. These effects go beyond extreme weather events discussed in Session I and may include significant shifts in meteorological patterns, resulting in other large-scale changes in agricultural sectors. While this is recognized as integral information for sustainable agriculture and food security, there are still significant gaps in translating climate information from scenarios into long-term agricultural policy development, particularly on a local scale. Many economies lack the awareness or capacity to reap the benefits from advances in climate modelling and downscaling. Exploring the challenges and opportunities in long-term agricultural planning helps bridge this gap, thus facilitating the use of climate information by policy-makers. This session therefore compliments Session I by examining the practical application of climate science for long-term agricultural planning, with the intention of bridging gaps between science and policy.


  • • Dr. Toshichika Iizumi (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan)​
  • Presentation Title : Growth and Variability of Crop Production under Climate Change and Socio-economic Pathways
  • • Prof. Mark Howden (Australian National University)​
  • Presentation Title : Seasonal Climate Forecasts as a Pathway for Climate Change Adaption: a review
  • • Dr. Ho-Young Kwon (International Food Policy Research Institute)​
  • Presentation Title : Global Adoption of Climate-smart Agriculture: ex-ante economic impact assessment
  • • Dr. Maximo Torero (International Food Policy Research Institute)​
  • Presentation Title : Scenarios on Climate Change Impacts for Developing APEC economies and How to Increase Resilience and Benefit from Opportunities
  • • Dr. Wilingthon Pavan (University of Passo Fundo, Brazil)​
  • Presentation Title : Climate Information Tools for Decision Making
  • • Dr. David Ellis (International Potato Center)​
  • Presentation Title : Is Agro-biodiversity a Key to Sustainable Crop Production in a Changing Environment?
  • • Eng. Grinia J. Avalos Roldán (National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI))​
  • Presentation Title : Implementing Climate Information Services for Decision-making in Peru

Session III: Long-term solutions for threatened fisheries caused by climate change​

Chaired by Dr. Johann Bell, from Conservation International

Rising ocean temperature and acidity rapidly alters aquatic ecosystems. These threaten marine organisms and fisheries by affecting fish habitats, production and distribution. Fishing industries of APEC economies, especially developing countries, are at risk and proper decision on policy should be made immediately for continuous economic growth. In this session, current issues of fisheries in the present days and future by climate change are introduced and long-term solutions to maintain healthy ocean ecosystems and hence to mitigate food security are discussed.


  • • Ms. Lauren V. Weatherdon (UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre)​
  • Presentation Title : Where are the Fish? Reducing Climate Impacts on Coastal Communities and Marine Industry
  • • Dr. Johann Bell (Conservation International)​
  • Presentation Title : The Effects of Climate Change on the Contributions of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Food Security
  • • Prof. Elvira Poloczanska (Alfred Wegener Institue)​
  • Presentation Title : Current and Future Situation of Australian Fisheries to Climate Change
  • • Dr. Dimitri Gutiérrez (Ocean Institute of Peru (IMARPE))​
  • Presentation Title : Productivity and Sustainable Management of the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem under Climate Change
  • • Dr. Rashid Sumaila (University of British Columbia)​
  • Presentation Title : Climate Change Effects on the Economics and Management of World Fisheries
  • • Dr. Jake Rice (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada)​
  • Presentation Title : Climate Change, Food Security, and the Ocean: is there a path forward?
