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APCC 2016 Subseasonal to Seasonal Training Program





APCC’s Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Training Program was conducted from 27 June to 2 July 2016 at the APEC Climate Center in Busan, South Korea. The training workshop topic was "S2S as a New Epoch in Climate-based Application: Using S2S prediction to cope with extreme hydrological events in developing countries" and covered understanding atmospheric phenomena in a S2S timescale, which often result in extreme events. It also provided guidance on developing new strategies to reduce risks of natural disasters in developing countries within climate-related application fields such as water resources, agriculture, and disaster management. The training program successfully improved participants' forecast skills through their understanding of the above topics, and was taught by a highly qualified and diverse team of scientists.


2016 APEC Climate Center Training Program  

  •  Topic : S2S as a new epoch in cliamte-based application: Using S2S prediction to cope with extreme hydrological events in developing countries
  •  Period : June 27 - July 2 2016
  •  Venue : APEC Climate Center
  • Participants : 19 participants from 10 economies 
  •  Training Contents : Understanding major S2S phenomena (intraseasonal oscillation, tropical cyclone, cold waves), 
  •                                     Understanding S2S prediction systems, Analysis of BSISO influence practical sessions



2016 APCC S2S Training Program
Time Agenda Item Instructor
Day 1: Monday, June 27
Opening  Registration, Welcome Remarks, & Introduction All
Morning  Lecture 1: Introduction of S2S and understanding the prediction system Dr. Eun-Pa Lim

 Lecture 2: Intraseasonal Oscillation and its Impacts I: Characteristics

 of ISO, mechanism, and understanding its predictability

Dr. Chidong Zhang
Evening  Welcome Dinner All
Day 2: Tuesday, June 28
Morning  Lecture 3: Intraseasonal Oscillation and its Impacts II: Impact on  monsoons and extreme events Dr. Chidong Zhang
Afternoon  Hands-on: Calculation of Anomolies and Pre-processing of Rainfall  Data in the Target Research Area

Dr. Haejeong Kim &

Dr. Ji-Hyun Oh

Evening  Korean Culture Experience All
Day 3: Wednesday, June 29
Morning  Lecture 4: Tropical Cyclones (TC): Understanding TC and its impacts,  TC from the perspective of S2S and its impacts on rainfall predictions Dr. Il-Ju Moon
Afternoon  Lecture 5: Cold Wave: Understanding its Impact and S2S Predictions Dr. Baek Min Kim
Evening  Hands-on: BSISO Analysis of Atmospheric Circulation, Features, and  Phases

Dr. Haejeong Kim &

Dr. Ji-Hyun Oh

Day 4: Thursday, June 30
Morning  Hands-on: BSISO Analysis of Atmospheric Circulation, Features, and  Phases

Dr. Haejeong Kim &

Dr. Ji-Hyun Oh

Afternoon  Lecture 6: S2S and Water Resource Management Dr. Lynette Bettio
Evening  Hands-On: Impact Analysis of BSISO in the Area of Research

Dr. Haejeong Kim &

Dr. Ji-Hyun Oh

Day 5: Friday, July 1
Morning  Lecture 7: Case Studies in the World of S2S and Water Resource  Management Dr. Lynette Bettio
Afternoon & Evening  Hands-on: Visualization of Analysis Results

Dr. Haejeong Kim &

Dr. Ji-Hyun Oh

Day 6: Saturday, July 2
Morning  Participant Presentations & Closing Ceremony Participants
Afternoon  Korean Cultural Tour & Closing Dinner All


Lecture Materials

  • Introduction of S2S Forecast and Understanding the Prediction System (Dr. Eun-Pa Lim / BoM)
   [Download] Introduction of S2S Forecast and Understanding the Prediction System 1 (Eun-Pa Lim).pdf

  • Intraseasonal Oscillation and Its Impacts Part I (Dr. Chidong Zhang / University of Miami)
   [Download] Intraseasonal Oscillation and Its Impacts Part I (Chidong Zhang).pdf

  • Intraseasonal Oscillation and Its Impacts Part I (Dr. Chidong Zhang / University of Miami)
   [Download] Intraseasonal Oscillation and Its Impacts Part II (Chidong Zhang).pdf

  • Tropical Cyclone (Dr. Il-Ju Moon / Jeju National University)
   [Download] Tropical Cyclone (Il-Ju Moon).pdf

  • Cold Waves (Dr. Baek-Min Kim / Korea Polar Research Institute)
   [Download] Cold Waves in a Warming World and Their Sub-seasonal Prediction (Baek-Min Kim).pdf

  • Climate Forecasting for Hydrological extremes (Dr. Lynette Bettio / BoM)
   [Download] Climate Forecasting for Hydrological extremes 1 (Lynette Bettio).pdf

  • Climate Forecasting for Hydrological extremes: Communication and case studies (Dr. Lynette Bettio / BoM)
   [Download] Climate Forecasting for Hydrological extremes Communication and case studies (Lynette Bettio).pdf