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2007년도 APEC 기후 심포지엄

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : The prediction of climate variations and extreme events ranging from subseasonal to multidecadal time scales​
  • 기간 : September 18-20, 2007
  • 장소 : Busan, Korea​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center

APEC Climate Symposium 2007

The prediction of climate variations and extreme events ranging from subseasonal to multidecadal time scales​

Period & Venue

September 18-20, 2007 / Busan, Korea​

Session I: Keynote Lecture

 [Download] • High-resolution Climate Modeling by In-Sik Kang.pdf

 [Download] • Model Fidelity and Model Predictability by Jagadish Shukla.pdf


Session II: Climate Prediction and Application

 [Download] • Western North Pacific Typhoons with Concentric Eyewalls_An updated Climatology by Chin-Pei Chang.pdf

 [Download] • Is the Well Above Normal Seasonal Precipitation Easier to Predict than the Above Normal by Cheng-Ta Chen.pdf

 [Download] • Ensemble-mean Dynamic Framework for Seasonal Predictions by Fei-Fei Jin.pdf

 [Download] • The Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO)and the Summer Precipitation in China by yihui Ding.pdf

 [Download] • Results from the New POAMA-1.5 System by Oscar Alves.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal and sub-seasonal prediction at Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory by Vladimir kattsov.pdf

 [Download] • Sensitivity of the East Asian monsoon to tectonic movements by Hui-Jun Wang.pdf

 [Download] • Coupled Model Initialization and ENSO Prediction by Anthony Rosati.pdf

 [Download] • Operational Forecasts of Ocean State by Swadhin K. Behera.pdf

 [Download] • Climate and Economic Impacts in New Zealand by James Renwick.pdf

 [Download] • Global Warming Projection by GHGs Stabilization and Overshoot Scenarios by Norikazu Nakashiki.pdf

 [Download] • Early Warning Systems for Earth by Simon Mason.pdf


Session Ⅲ: Member Working Group Report

 [Download] • APCC Report by Chi-Yung Tam.pdf

 [Download] • The Climate Forecasting for Distric Leve in Indonesia by A. Setyadipratikto.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Predictability and Prediction Studies in COLA by Emilia Kyung Jin.pdf

 [Download] • A Preliminary Diagnostic of CWB Seasonal Climate Forecast System by Jyh Wen Hwu.pdf

 [Download] • Local Extreme Weather Events_ Mesoscale Convective Complexes and Their Evolutions Over Peninsular by Malaysia Kwan Kok Foo.pdf

 [Download] • Tropical pacific Impacts of Convective Momentum Transport in the SNU Coupled GCM by Jong-Seong Kug.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal forecasting Using a Statistical Model for Chile by Paola Uribe Raibaudi.pdf

 [Download] • Forecasting Efforts at the GMAO_ An Update and On-going Activities by Myong-In Lee.pdf

 [Download] • Implementation of Global-regional Climate Model for Seasonal Forecasting by King-Kay Yeung.pdf

 [Download] • Extreme cliamte represented in JRA-25 by Hirotaka Kamahori.pdf

 [Download] • The National Climate Center of Thailand by B. Archevarahuprok.pdf

 [Download] • Capacity Building in Seasonal Climate Prediction in ASEAN by Chien Wna Tham.pdf

 [Download] • Application of MME for the LRF Products in KMA by Hyun-Kyung Kim.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Forecasting in Australia by Lynette Bettio.pdf

 [Download] • Update on the Climate Forecast System (CFS) Development Activities at NCEP by Jae-Kyung E. Schemm.pdf

