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2008년도 APEC 기후 심포지엄

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : Climate Prediction and Application: tackling regional needs​
  • 기간 : August 19-Aug, 2008
  • 장소 : Lima, Peru​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center

APEC Climate Symposium 2008

Climate Prediction and Application: tackling regional needs​

Period & Venue

August 19-Aug, 2008 / Lima, Peru​

Session I

 [Download] • Seasonal Climate Predictions in Peru by Eng. Carmen Reyes.pdf

 [Download] • Abnormal late season cold surges during Asian winter monsoon 2005 by Prof. C. P. Chang.pdf

 [Download] • Advances on statistical and dynamical downscaling for seasonal prediction in western South America by Dr. Affonso S. Mascarenhas.pdf

 [Download] • Advances on statistical and dynamical downscaling for seasonal prediction in western South America by Dr. Affonso S. Mascarenhas.pdf

 [Download] • Implementation of regional models for climate prediction in Chile by Dr. Jorge Carrasco.pdf

 [Download] • Indonesia Mitigation and Adaptation Program in Responding to Climate change Issue by Mr. Yunus Swarinoto.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal climate forecast over Northeast Brazil_Evaluation of models and applications by Dr. A. D. Moura.pdf

 [Download] • How well are Southern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns predicted by seasonal climate models_ by Dr. T. Ambrizzi.pdf

Session II

 [Download] • Climate prediction and applications in New Zealand - an update by Dr. J. Renwick.pdf

 [Download] • Applications of dynamical seasonal forecassts in Australia by Dr. O. Alves.pdf

 [Download] • JMA Seasonal Forecast and its Applications by Mr. K. Takahashi.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Climate Forecasting for Natural Disaster Risk Management by Dr. S. Mason.pdf

 [Download] • Statistical Downscaling Based on Dynamical Models_Application to Seasonal Precipitation in China by Ms. L. Chen.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Climate Prediction in Singapore and SE Asia by Mr. John Low.pdf


Session Ⅲ

 [Download] • The Goddard Earth Observing System 5(GEOS-5) model and its application to the climate research by Dr. M.-I. Lee.pdf

 [Download] • Comparing Forecast Skills on Seasonal Climate Conditions From Normal to Relatively Extreme by Dr. Cheng-ta Chen.pdf

 [Download] • Initialization issues of coupled ocean-atmosphere prediction system by Prof. In-Sik Kang.pdf

 [Download] • Advance and Prospectus of Seasonal Prediction_ Assessment of the APCC_CIIPAS 14-Model Ensemble Retrospective Seasonal Prediction(1980-2004) by Prof. Bin. Wang.pdf

 [Download] • SPAM_ a system for prediction and assimilation by a climate model_ MIROC_ for seasonal to decadal prediction by Prof. M. Kimoto.pdf


Session I(A)

 [Download] • APCC Climate Prediction and information activities_ New developments by Dr. K. Ashok.pdf

 [Download] • Presenting forecast verification information to user communities by Dr. Simon Mason.pdf

 [Download] • Recent Developments of JMA Seasonal Prediction System by Mr. K. Takahashi.pdf

 [Download] • Update on NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) Development Activities by Dr. J-K. E. Schemm.pdf

 [Download] • The New Ensemble Prediction system at CMC by Dr. J.S. Fontecilla.pdf


Session II(A)

 [Download] • Climate information tool kit (CLIK)_facilitating effective exchange and utilization of climate information by Dr. N. H. Saji.pdf

 [Download] • Improving the capacity building for numerical modelling in the Chilean National Weather Service by Dr. Myrna Araneda Funtes.pdf

 [Download] • Application of ECPS G-RSM for Monthly to Seasonal Prediction in Thailand by Mr. Boonlert Archevarahuprok.pdf

 [Download] • Medium-range Weather Forecast in Vietnam and its Perspectives by Mr. N.D. Quang.pdf


Session Ⅳ(A)

• WG session on Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies by Dr. J. Renwick, NIWA, New Zealand (Rapportuer:Dr.J.S. Fontecilla (CMC,Canada), Dr.M-I. Lee (NANA, USA))

• Implications of Climate Change scenarios for Peru by Eng. Luis Metzger (SENAMHI, Peru)
• Discussion:(i) Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies (ii) Selection of chair, Defining TORs, venue for next year, etc. (iii) Recommendations

Reference: WG Documentation 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,5.4, 5.4_add1 


Session Ⅳ(B)

• WG session on Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies by Dr. J. Renwick, NIWA, New Zealand (Rapportuer:Dr.J.S. Fontecilla (CMC,Canada), Dr.M-I. Lee (NANA, USA))

• Implications of Climate Change scenarios for Peru by Eng. Luis Metzger (SENAMHI, Peru)
• Discussion:(i) Future actives to improve climate information service for APEC economies (ii) Selection of chair, Defining TORs, venue for next year, etc. (iii) Recommendations

Reference: WG Documentation 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,5.4, 5.4_add1 


Session I(B)

• Future directions in climate prediction and variability research by Prof.C-T. Chen, NTNU, Chinese Taipei (Rapporteur: Mr. N.D.Quang(Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam))

• Role of Oceans in the Climate Variability and Predictability of the Indo-Pacific Region by Dr. S.K. Behera (FRCGC. Japan)

• The Necessity and the Possibility of Revolutionzing Seamless Prediction of Weather and Climate by Dr. Emilia K. Jin (GMU/COLA, USA) 

 [Download] • The forthcoming World climate conference-3_relevance to APCC by Dr. Vladimir Kattsov.pdf


Session II(B)

• Plenary session and review by Chair: Prof. C.P. Chang(NPS, USA) (Rapporteur: Mr. N.D. Quang(Viet Nam NCHMF, Viet Nam))

• APEC and Industrial Science and Technology by Mr. Yung-Suh Park (APEC Secretariat)
• Review of SAC recommendations by Prof.I-S. Kang, SNU, Dr. O. Alves, BOM, and Dr. Behera, FRCGC

• Review of WG recommendations by Chair: Dr. W.G. Molina, Dr. J.Renwick (NIWA, New Zealand), and Emilia K.Jin (GMI/COLA, USA) 


Session Ⅲ

• Panel Discussion
