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2005년도 APEC 기후 심포지엄

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : The Multi-Model Ensemble for Climate Prediction​
  • 기간 : November 18-20, 2005
  • 장소 : Busan, Korea​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center

APEC Climate Symposium 2005

The Multi-Model Ensemble for Climate Prediction​

Period & Venue

November 18-20, 2005 / Busan, Korea​

Session I: Climate Prediction

 [Download] • Cause of Seasonality of Intraseasonal Oscillations in Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean by Tim Li.pdf

 [Download] • A regional climate model for South China by Johnny Chan.pdf

 [Download] • CME_PNU CGCM Predictability of Winter Temperature over East Asia by Joong-Bae Ahn.pdf

 [Download] • The seasonal climate prediction research at IAP by Wang Huijun.pdf

 [Download] • Assessment of performance of a multi-model ensemble in inter-decadal climate change simulation by Dmitry Kktev.pdf

 [Download] • An Anomaly Ensemble-Mean Model For Seasonal Prediction by Fei-Fei Jin.pdf

 [Download] • Indian Ocean Coupled Variability and its Impact on Global Climate by Toshio Yamagata.pdf

 [Download] • Asymmetric Seasonal Transition of the Southeast Asian Monsoon by Chih-Pei Chang.pdf

 [Download] • Change of hydrological cycle in the warming climate over the northern Eurasia by Valentin Meleshko.pdf

 [Download] • Climate variability Research at BMRC in support of dynamical seasonal prediction by Oscar Alves.pdf

 [Download] • Preliminary Analysis of the CliPAS MME hindcast experiments (1980-2004) by Bin Wang.pdf

 [Download] • Interdecadal variability of the summer precipitation in China and its possible cause by Yihui Ding.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal climate forecasting at IRI by Andrew Robertson.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal forecasting activities at ECMWF by David Anderson.pdf

 [Download] • Global Warming Simulation using the Earth Simulator by Akimasa Sumi.pdf

 [Download] • Upper Troposphere Cooling and by Rucong Yu.pdf

 [Download] • Challenges for an international and global center by In-Sik Kang.pdf


Session II: Panel Discussion

• In-Sik Kang/CES

•​ Toshio Yamagata/Frontier

•​ Rucong Yu/CMA

•​ Siegfried Schubert/NASA

•​ David Anderson/ECMWF

•​ Julian P. McCreary

•​ Jr./IPRC 


Session Ⅲ: Group Discussion and Summary

• CLIPAS: Bin Wang / Lorenz Magaard

• IPRC: Julian P. McCreary, Jr.

• IAP: Huijun Wang 
