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2009년도 APEC 기후 심포지엄

  • 프로그램

  • 발표자료

  • 행사사진

  • 주제 : Climate prediction and applications: Relevance for climate adaptation strategies​
  • 기간 : July 12-15, 2009
  • 장소 : Singapore​
  • 주관 : APEC Climate Center

APEC Climate Symposium 2009

Climate prediction and applications: Relevance for climate adaptation strategies​

Period & Venue

July 12-15, 2009 / Singapore​


 [Download] • Toward an improvement in seasonal prediction in NCHMF Vietnam.pdf

 [Download] • The development of APCC seasonal prediction system using NCAR by Dr. Ashok Karumuri.pdf

 [Download] • The CWB Seasonal Forecast System by Dr. Jyh Wen Hwu.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Climate Predictions in PERU by Ms. Clara Oria Rojas.pdf

 [Download] • Outline of model products from New Seasonal Forecast System at CPD-JMA by Mr. Kiyotoshi Takahashi.pdf

 [Download] • Development of Climate Prediction System at IAPCAS by Prof. Zhaohui LIN.pdf

 [Download] • Climate Prediction in Thailand by Ms. Kornrawee Sitthichivapak.pdf

 [Download] • APEC Project Proposal by Dr. Woo-Jin Lee.pdf

 [Download] • A Dynamical Approach in Forecasting Annual Rainfall of Hong Kong by Mr. Sai Ming Lee.pdf


Session I

 [Download] • Tropical Cyclone Climatology and Seasonal Prediction by Dr. Yuriy Juleshov.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity Prediction _ Where we stand and the way forward by Prof. Chung Leung Johnny Chan.pdf

 [Download] • The impact of atmospheric noise and uncertainty in initial conditions on seasonal forecast skill by Dr. Emilia Kyung Jin.pdf

 [Download] • Definition and predictability of monsoon ISO by Dr. June-Yi Lee.pdf

 [Download] • Impact of land surface conditions on the potential seasonal predictability over East Asia by Prof. Zhaohui Lin.pdf

 [Download] • Diagnostic Study of CWB Seasonal Climate Forecast System by Dr. Jyh Wen Hwu.pdf

 [Download] • Performance of JMA atmosphere-ocean coupled model by Mr. Kiyotoshi Takahashi.pdf

 [Download] • The New POAMA2 system and regional rainfall prediction by Dr. Oscar Alves.pdf

 [Download] • Climate research based on high-resolution modelingin NASA GMAO by Dr. Myong-in LEE.pdf

 [Download] • A new direction of climate modeling and prediction by Prof. In-Sik Kang.pdf

 [Download] • Decadal Climate Prediction - A Challenge by Prof. Masahide Kimoto.pdf


Session II(A)

 [Download] • Impact of temperature anomaly on the cardiovascular disease related mortality rate of elderly in Taipei _ from seasonal forecast to health warning system by Prof. Ceng-Ta Chen.pdf

 [Download] • Predictability and prediction of the East Asian winter temperature by prof. Bin Wang.pdf

 [Download] • A study of the Teleconnections in the Asian-Pacific Monsoon Region by Prof. Yihui Ding.pdf

 [Download] • El Nino Southern Oscillation in the Phillippines_ Impacts_ forecast and implications for risk management by Dr. Flaviana Hilario.pdf

 [Download] • Key Note Talk _ 2-01 resilient adaptation to climate change by Dr. Michael H Glantz.pdf

 [Download] • Key Note Talk _ 2-01 resilient adaptation to climate change by Dr. Michael H Glantz.pdf

 [Download] • Experimental Seasonal forecasting using CPT for ASEAN cities by Dr. Raizan Bin Rahmat.pdf

Session II(B)

 [Download] • Recent Changes in Indo-Pacific Climate Fluctuations by Dr. Swadhin K. Behera.pdf

 [Download] • Changing Ocean Signatures_ Relevance for climate prediction by Dr. Ashok Karumuri.pdf


Session Ⅲ

 [Download] • The impact of climate on Arabica Coffee in Papua New Guinea by Mr. Konny Nato.pdf

 [Download] • Terrain Effect in Southeast Asian monsoon by Prof. Chih-Pei Chang.pdf

 [Download] • Seasonal forecasting for climate risk management by Dr. Andrew W. Robertson.pdf

 [Download] • Community Based Adaptation (CBA) - Lesson learned from the lease developed countries by Mr. Tan Chun Knee.pdf

 [Download] • Climate and hydrological prediction for energy and agriculture by Dr. James Renwick.pdf

 [Download] • Towards adaptation to climate change _ Russianexperience by Dr. Tatiana Pavlova.pdf

 [Download] • Climate Change Trends and Indicators in Peru by Maj. Gen. PAF (Ret.) Wilar Gamarra Molina.pdf

 [Download] • Key Note Talk_ 3-01 Building Effective Adaptation to an Uncertain Climatic Future_ Challenges to the Research Community by Prof. Will Steffen.pdf

Tutorial Session 6

 [Download] • Probabilistic interpretation of Downscaled Forecasts by Dr. Vladimir Kryjov.pdf

 [Download] • Downscaling in space by Dr. JamesRenwick.pdf

 [Download] • Keynote address - Early Warning Systems for Climate by Dr. Michael H Glantz.pdf

 [Download] • The importance of climate information Emergency Preparedness by Mr. Quinton Devlin.pdf


Tutorial Session 7

 [Download] • Hands on training with CLIK by Dr. SAJI N. Hameed and MS. Young-Mi Min.pdf

 [Download] • Introduction to CLIK_ Customizing climate forecasts using CLIK and AFS by Dr. Saji N. Hameed.pdf

 [Download] • Downscaling of weather within climate by Dr. Andrew W. Robertson.pdf

