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Pacific Islands Network

Since 2014, APCC has been carrying out various projects to strengthen climate prediction and to build capacities in climate change response in the Pacific Island region.

Through projects, APCC developed a tailored climate forecast information system (PICASO, Pacific Island Countries Advanced Seasonal Outlook) and distributed a climate information production tool (CLIK-P, Climate Information ToolKit for the Pacific) to support customized climate information services for Pacific Islands. In addition, we have developed and officially handed over the Tailored System of Climate Services for Agriculture, called OSCAR, to the Vanuatu government, and are supporting Vanuatu farmers to efficiently cultivate staple crops in line with the changing climate environment.

In addition to promoting research projects within Pacific Islands, networking activities for climate services are increasing.

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<Pacific Islands>

Pacific Islands Climate Services(PICS) Panel

The PICS Panel, the official advisory group to the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC), which was officially launched in 2014, works with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Bureau of Meteorology in Australia, National Institute of Water Agencies in New Zealand, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to strengthen climate services in Pacific Islands. The Panel provides technical advice, including project planning and roadmap presentation. APCC is officially participating the PICS Panel activities since 2019.

WMO RA-V Pacific Regional Climate Centre (RCC) Network

The RCC is a hub for up-to-date regional long-range climate forecasts, climate monitoring products, climate change projections, climate data services, and information on regional training activities. The RCC consists of five nodes. APCC has officially joined the Node on Long-Range Forecast in 2021, and is collaborating with a group of experts in Pacific Islands.

Node Title Lead Agency Consortium Members
Long-Range Forecasting NIWA & BoM Meteo-France, NOAA, University of Hawaii, APCC, SPREP & SPC
Climate Monitoring NOAA &
University of Hawaii
Climate Change Projections CSIRO USGCRP, BoM & SPREP
Operational Data Services BoM NOAA, University of Hawaii, SPC & NIWA
Training Function SPREP NOAA. University of PNG, BoM, NIWA, SPC & CSIRO

‣ Source : Pacific Meteorological Desk website

Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF)

The Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF) has been held twice a year in the Pacific since 2015, and has been organized by the PICs Panel and key partners. APCC participates in PICOF to present the 6 month climate outlook and to discuss the climate outlook with various experts.